5 Quick Ways to Use Excel Formula to Count Days from Date

Microsoft Excel is one of the most essential software in our day-to-day professional lives as well as academic and regular computer usage for storing data, analyzing, improvising and the list goes on. What if we have to count Days from Date in any workbook by the use of Excel formula then you have come to the right place for help. I will teach you different Excel formula to count days from a date.

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Learn to Count Days from Date with Formula in Excel Using These 5 Quick Techniques

Method 1

1. Using Subtraction Formula

It’s the easiest Excel formula to count days from the date. In this formula, Excel subtracts two numbers. Excel stores the date data as a number that starts from a specific date which is considered 1 and the next date 2 and 3 and on and on.

⬇️⬇️ STEPS ⬇️⬇️

  • First, select the cell you want to apply the formula, we are going for cell E6.
  • Now type “=”.

  • Select the Recent Date cell for instance here we’ve selected D6 and press “ – ”.
  • Then select the older date, we are selecting C6.
  • The formula should look like this.

Subtraction can be used to excel formula to count days from date

  • Now hit Enter and you’ll get the day count for these two dates.

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Method 2

2. Employing DAYS Function

Excel offers you different options for the same operations. The DAYS function is another Excel formula to count days from the date. It is literally the function to count days from the date. Simplest Excel formula to count days from the date.

⬇️⬇️ STEPS ⬇️⬇️

  • First, select the cell you want to apply the function to.
  • Now type “=” to apply the function.
  • Now type “DAYS” and then a starting Parentheses which is “(”.

excel formula to count days from date using date function

  • Select the Recent Date then press the comma “,” select the Older Date. Here you can use ending parentheses but it’s not necessary.


  • Hit Enter.

  • Now copy the formula down along the column.

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Method 3

Calculating Net Working Days

Using NETWORKDAYS Function

This method is used when you need only working days between two dates. It’s a very smart way to use the Excel formula to count working days from the date. By default, the NETWORKDAYS function lets us count days from the date using two weekend holidays.

⬇️⬇️ STEPS ⬇️⬇️

  • First, select the cell you want to apply the function to.
  • Now type “=”.
  • Type the function which is NETWORKDAYS.
  • Again use start parentheses.

  • First select the Older Date or Starting Date then use a comma “,” after this select the Recent Date or Ending Date.

  • This function calculates only the business days and now if you want to add some custom holidays, you have to type a Comma again “,” and then select the holiday cells you want to add. We are selecting the range G14:G16.

excel formula to count days from date without weekends


  • Hit Enter you’re good to go.

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Utilizing NETWORKDAYS.INTL Function

The NETWORKDAYS.INTL function is the same as the previous function except it can customize your weekend holidays and the formula is

=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(Starting Date,Ending Date,Weekend Number,Holidays)

The weekend Number is a unique value for each combination or each day in Excel I am providing a screenshot of all the combinations of custom weekend holidays here.

If you want to count days from the date using Only Wednesday as the weekend then the previous data set demonstration is given below

⬇️⬇️ STEPS ⬇️⬇️

  • First, select the cell you want to apply the function to.
  • Type in the function NETWORKDAYS.INTL.
  • Use a start parentheses then select Starting date then Ending date then use a comma for custom weekend holidays.

excel formula to count days from date custom weekend function

  • We are gonna use Only Wednesday as a weekend holiday so we need to type “14”.
  • And then use a comma to input our other holidays selecting them using the mouse cursor.

  • Now hit Enter and you are good to go.


Method 4

4. Applying DATEDIF Function

It’s an easy Excel formula to count days, months, and years from date. The DATEDIF function not only lets us count days from the date but also we can find how many months, and years have passed between the two dates. Don’t forget to put the older date first and the newer date after that.

⬇️⬇️ STEPS ⬇️⬇️

  • First, select the cell you want to apply the formula to.
  • Type in the formula =datedif(.
  • Now select the Starting date cell and then the Ending date cell use a comma in between every argument.

days function for excel formula to count days from date

  • Lastly, use “D” for days “M” for months, and “Y” for years.


  • Now for Months.


  • Now for Year.


excel formula to count days from date using datedif function

📕 Read More: 5 Ways to Use Formula to Find Next Month in Excel

Method 5

5. Combining YEAR, MONTH, DAY with DATE Function

This method is used when the year, month, and day values is scattered to combine them into a date. Thus we can use this date with the DATE Function to calculate the days in between. This function is most useful for creating dates from the random year, month, and day values in a sheet.

⬇️⬇️ STEPS ⬇️⬇️

  • Select the cell you want to apply the function to.
  • Write the function using the following format.


  • Now press Enter.

excel formula to count days from date using combination of date function

  • Here D6 and C6 are the cell numbers with the value of corresponding arguments.

📕 Read More: How to Calculate Overdue Days in Excel

📄 Important Notes

🖊️  Using these formulas the days’ count can come negative if you don’t choose them the right way.

🖊️  Always try to use keyboard shortcuts.

🖊️  Excel Functions are not case-sensitive so you just have to write the word correctly that’s it.

📝 Takeaways from This Article

📌  Calculating days from dates.

📌  Finding out the number of workdays from two dates.

📌  Custom day count by declaring holidays other than weekends.

📌  Counting months and years difference from two dates.


I’ve tried to detail almost any approach of Excel formula to count days from date in this article.  Practice on your own after taking a look at the Excel formula to count days from the date

practice workbook and I sincerely hope you can use it. Please share your experience with us in the comment box about how your experience was throughout the article as well as what we need to improve also if you have any problem regarding Excel just spit it in the comment box. The Excelden crew is always available to answer your questions. Keep educating yourself by reading. For more Excel-related articles please visit our website Excelden.com.

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Hello there. I am Nashid, an Engineer. I Love music, traveling, sports and gaming. I have recently grown interest in DATA SCIENCE and wish to build a career over it. Excel is one of the greatest modern digital creation of human. Life simply gets easier. My Articles are meant to lead you to that easier life with efficiency. If you need any kind of help regarding my articles even anything else try contacting me on social platforms of which I've provided. Keep learning. Wish me luck and Thank you.

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