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How to Calculate Average Response Time in Excel

Sometimes we need to calculate the average response time in Excel. To calculate the average time response, we need to know the total time. After ...

11 Easy Ways to Concatenate Rows in Excel

If you are looking for concatenating Excel rows, you've come to the right place. There are several ways to concatenate rows in Excel, and in this ...

4 Ways to Add 8 Hours to Time in Excel

It might be difficult to manipulate time data in Excel, but with the correct tools, it's easy. In this article, you will explore four ways to add 8 ...

2 Approaches to Add Primary Minor Vertical Gridlines in Excel

There are two kinds of gridlines in chart: Horizontal and Vertical gridlines. These gridlines help us to visualize the data more effectively. There ...

7 Ways to Alternate Row Color Based on Group in Excel

This article will delve into various techniques to apply color formatting in Microsoft Excel to distinguish between groups of rows. With this ...

5 Approaches to Reset Cell Size to Default in Excel

This lesson will demonstrate 5 different approaches to reset cell size to default in Excel. Moreover, these techniques will enable you to solve the ...

2 Approaches to Print Borders at Page Break in Excel

If you are putting a page break in the middle of your data set, you might want to add a border around that page break so that it appears more ...

8 Approaches to Remove Currency Symbol in Excel

There are different formats available for data in cells of Excel. We can apply them to a cell when we’re working with it. Currency format is one of ...

5 Ways to Add Cell Borders in Excel Inside and Outside

Let's say you want to set internal and external cell borders in your Excel data set. Several Excel features make this very easy to accomplish. You ...

4 Approaches to Capitalize All Letters in Excel Without Formula

You do not need to use any formulas in order to make all of the letters in your Excel dataset capitalized. Excel comes with a number of ...
