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4 Approaches to Align Shapes in Excel

Do you know that you can easily align the shapes in your Excel data? It may seem difficult when you are manually changing the alignment of the ...

9 Tricks to Put Comma After 2 Digits in Excel

In this article, I'll show you three excellent methods on how to put a comma after every 2 digits in Excel. Furthermore, these strategies will allow ...

9 Tricks to Calculate Time Difference Between AM and PM in Excel

Mr. Jefferson is not only a successful industrialist but also a renowned petulant boss. Recently, he replaced a new Finger-Print machine to count the ...

4 ways to Create Excel Formula for Overtime Over 8 Hours

Almost in every office environment nowadays we have to keep the working hours record of the employees. It is necessary when we want to know how many ...

3 Approaches to Make Empty Cells Blank in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 3 different approaches on how to make empty cells blank in Excel. Moreover, these techniques will enable you to ...

7 Ways to Combine Two Cells in Excel with a Dash

Excel is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data, and one of its many features is the ability to combine two cells with a dash. This can be ...

3 Approaches to Calculate 5 Star Rating Average in Excel

5 star rating is a popular phrase, we come across in our day-to-day life. You can face it in restaurants, mobile applications, academic reports, ...

4 Steps to Do Aging Analysis in Excel

Aging Analysis is usually done in companies to find out the financial situation of the company by sorting out the status of the invoices and how much ...

5 Ways to Add Gridlines After Highlighting in Excel

Gridlines are the horizontal and vertical lines that are present among cells in Excel. These gridlines help us to navigate the position of each cell ...

5 Tricks to Insert Comma Between Words in Excel

In this article, I'll show you three excellent methods how to insert comma between words in Excel. Furthermore, these strategies will allow you to ...
