EXACT function

How to Compare Two Cells in Different Sheets with Excel Formula

Sometimes we need to find out, highlight or eradicate duplication in the same sheet. If duplications are in the same worksheet it is easier to ...

Excel Formula: Compare Two Columns and Return a Value

We sometimes compare columns in Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel has a variety of functions for comparing and matching data. In this article, we will ...

5 Ways to Return True If Value Exists in Column in Excel

Returning the availability of a value in a column is a widely used operation in Excel. We can easily combine different functions to show whether a ...

7 Easy Methods to Match Names in Excel Where Spelling Differ

There may be times when you need to know easily how to match two names within Excel where the spelling differ. For example, you may need to use an ...

8 Ways to Return Value If Cell Contains Text in Excel

Excel is an outstanding data analysis and visualization tool. Sometimes we require a value returned in a specific cell if that cell contains the text ...

7 Ways to Check If Multiple Cells Are Equal in Excel

If you have a large data set and you want to check whether your dataset contains any duplicate values, this article is just right for you. In this ...

13 Ways to Search for Text in Range in Excel

In the corporate world, we need to deal with a lot of data every day. We also work with data for the betterment. But the fact is we don’t need the ...

3 Ways to Count Duplicate Values in Excel Only Once

Often in a dataset, we want to estimate duplicate values once to actually determine the different entries and their number. In a large dataset, ...

6 Easy Methods to Compare Two Strings in Excel for Similarity

Users frequently need to compare the two strings in Excel for similarity. It's quite straightforward and easy to compare two strings. You may simply ...

7 Easy Ways to Populate List Based on Cell Value in Excel

In some cases, we need to populate list based on cell value in Excel. Like, suppose you have a dataset of sales of the previous year. Suppose you ...
