INT function

9 Tricks to Calculate Time Difference Between AM and PM in Excel

Mr. Jefferson is not only a successful industrialist but also a renowned petulant boss. Recently, he replaced a new Finger-Print machine to count the ...

2 Ways to Calculate Travel Time Between Two Cities in Excel

Today I had to pay for my routine early morning visit to Belson Stadium for a training session, as I devoted myself a freelance footballer. Also, my ...

8 Ways to Make Random 4 Digit Number Generator in Excel

In our modern work environment, we may use a variety of passwords, each with a varied length. If you find it difficult to create a password, you may ...

7 Ways to Create Random 5 Digit Number Generator in Excel

In Excel, we can generate random numbers in various ways. Depending on our needs, we can generate numbers using a variety of Excel functions, ...

4 Ways to Combine Columns into One List in Excel

If we have our desired data indifferent columns in an excel file and combine them in a list. In that case we can cut and paste them into the desired ...

3 Ways to Convert Multiple Rows to Single Column in Excel

Generating data using various formulas is quite common in Microsoft Excel. Usually, cells are organized as a table with rows and columns. In some ...

8 Ways to Calculate Age Using Formula on a Specific Date in Excel

Want to Calculate Age on a Specific Date using Excel formula but don’t know how? We are here for you. We have accumulated 8 different methods for you ...
