ISNUMBER function

8 Ways to Count Duplicate Values in Multiple Columns in Excel

Microsoft Excel is the most useful data-tracking software. For datasets that have numerous worksheets or users or identity numbers, it is difficult ...

2 Steps to Concatenate Multiple Results with INDEX-MATCH in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate detailed steps to INDEX-MATCH Concatenate Multiple Results in Excel. Moreover, these techniques will enable you to ...

4 Ways to Compare Two Columns in Excel for Missing Values

Sometimes we need to compare two columns in Excel for missing values. In this article, we will show you how to compare two columns in Excel for ...

11 Approaches to Compare Addresses in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 11 effective approaches to compare addresses in Excel. Moreover, these techniques will enable you to solve the ...

5 Ways to Find First Occurrence of a Value in a Column in Excel

In Excel, we can find the first occurrence of a value in a column. COUNTIF is one of the heavily used statistical functions used to count the number ...

7 Ways to Remove Letters from Cell in Excel

In Excel, we can easily remove letters from a cell. Using different functions, formulas, and built-in features, we can remove letters from the text's ...

5 Ways to Return True If Value Exists in Column in Excel

Returning the availability of a value in a column is a widely used operation in Excel. We can easily combine different functions to show whether a ...

7 Ways to Count Duplicates in Two Columns in Excel

Organizing data using various techniques is quite common in Microsoft Excel. Records are arranged in a tabular form here. In cases of data tracking, ...

5 Ways to Find First Occurrence of a Value in a Range in Excel

When we are working with Excel, we often need to find first occurrence of a value from a large dataset range to list out individual products or ...

8 Ways to Return Value If Cell Contains Text in Excel

Excel is an outstanding data analysis and visualization tool. Sometimes we require a value returned in a specific cell if that cell contains the text ...
