VLOOKUP Function

8 Ways to Count Duplicate Values in Multiple Columns in Excel

Microsoft Excel is the most useful data-tracking software. For datasets that have numerous worksheets or users or identity numbers, it is difficult ...

5 Ways to Extract Filtered Data into Another Excel Sheet

Yesterday, the honorable CEO Mr. Oliver Queen called the Regional General Manager Mr. Ronald Koeman of Amigo Super Store. Basically, Mr. Oliver is ...

4 Steps to Do Aging Analysis in Excel

Aging Analysis is usually done in companies to find out the financial situation of the company by sorting out the status of the invoices and how much ...

3 Steps to Group Age Range in Excel Using VLOOKUP

Sometimes you have to deal with a dataset where you have to group the age range. It can be very intimidating if you attempt to do it manually. We ...

3 Ways to Copy Another Cell If Two Cells Match in Excel

If you are looking for how to copy values to another cell if two different cells match in Excel, then you've come to the right place. There are ...

3 Examples to Use INDEX-MATCH Instead of VLOOKUP in Excel

The majority of Excel users concur that INDEX-MATCH is significantly superior to VLOOKUP when it comes to matching data in a vertically arranged ...

6 Solutions If VLOOKUP Returns #N/A When Match Exists in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 7 reasons and solutions why VLOOKUP returns #N/A even though a match Exists in Excel. Moreover, these techniques ...

How to Compare Two Cells in Different Sheets with Excel Formula

Sometimes we need to find out, highlight or eradicate duplication in the same sheet. If duplications are in the same worksheet it is easier to ...

4 Ways to Compare Two Columns in Excel for Missing Values

Sometimes we need to compare two columns in Excel for missing values. In this article, we will show you how to compare two columns in Excel for ...

Excel Formula: Compare Two Columns and Return a Value

We sometimes compare columns in Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel has a variety of functions for comparing and matching data. In this article, we will ...
