YEAR function

4 Easy Ways to Calculate Percentage of Time in Excel

Every once in a while we may need to know how much time is spent on our different everyday tasks so that we can make a schedule. It helps us to plan ...

7 Easy Ways to Count Number of Cells with Dates in Excel

If you are looking to count number of specific cells containing dates in Microsoft Excel, then you've come to the right place. There are several ways ...

7 Easy Ways to Use SUMIF by Month and Year in Excel

There may be times when you need to know easily how to use SUMIF by Month and Year in Excel. For example, you may need to use an Excel formula or VBA ...

11 Examples to Do SUMIF in Date Range of Month and Year

Are you struggling to find out sales data for a particular time? Different criteria under a certain period hit you hard? Then yes, you are on the ...

5 Ways to Use Formula to Find Next Month in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 5 effective approaches to how to use Excel formulas for calculating next month including some other problems related ...

7 Simple Ways to Increment Month by 1 in Excel

Suppose, you want to list a particular date of every month when you give out the salary of your employees or maybe a list where you calculate your ...

8 Ways to Calculate Age Using Formula on a Specific Date in Excel

Want to Calculate Age on a Specific Date using Excel formula but don’t know how? We are here for you. We have accumulated 8 different methods for you ...

5 Quick Ways to Use Excel Formula to Count Days from Date

Microsoft Excel is one of the most essential software in our day-to-day professional lives as well as academic and regular computer usage for storing ...
