COUNTA Function

9 Quick Tricks to Delete Row If Cell is Blank in Excel

The cell that doesn’t contain a least of words or values is called a blank cell. Hence, if there are multiple blank cells that don’t have any value ...

6 Easy Ways to Delete Multiple Columns in Excel

Consider a sheet that has some inappropriate or blank values in the Excel sheet. In this case, we must delete multiple columns in Excel. There are ...

3 Ways to Create Dynamic List Based on Criteria in Excel

Sometimes we need to create a Dynamic List in Excel to perform various operations or just to show the values that match the conditions. In this ...

How to Determine and Count If Cell Is Not Blank in Excel

Counting blank cells manually can be easy when dealing with a small amount of data, but what about when you have a massive amount of data to handle? ...

8 Easy Approaches to Calculate YTD in Excel

YTD calculation is very common in evaluating business trends or comparing performance reports to rivals or peers in the same industry. This article ...

How to Create a Formula Using Defined Names in Excel

Are you trying to use defined names to create a formula in Excel? Formulas can be vast and complex sometimes, and so to reduce the complexity and ...
