LEN Function

7 Convenient Ways to Extract Text Before Character in Excel

There may be times when you need to extract text before the character easily in Excel. For example, you may need to use an Excel formula or VBA for ...

6 Ways to Remove Blank Characters in Excel

Blank characters or spaces can be a major obstacle when dealing with a large dataset. If we import data from different sources or multiple persons ...

8 Ways to VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Values Vertically in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 8 effective approaches on how to Use VLOOKUP to return multiple values vertically in Excel. Finally these techniques ...

9 Ways to Extract Text from a Cell in Excel

Excel frequently allows users to extract text from a cell. Depending on our needs, we can extract cells using a variety of Excel functions, formulas, ...

4 Ways to Convert Number to Text and Keep Trailing Zeros in Excel

When we convert numbers to text in Excel, Excel automatically removes the trailing zeros after the decimal point of a number. There are various ways ...

Sort Multiple Columns Independently of Each Other in Excel

When an Excel workbook is sorted according to your preference it becomes very easy to navigate. You may know how to sort multiple columns which are ...

3 Ways to Count Duplicate Values in Excel Only Once

Often in a dataset, we want to estimate duplicate values once to actually determine the different entries and their number. In a large dataset, ...

How to Determine and Count If Cell Is Not Blank in Excel

Counting blank cells manually can be easy when dealing with a small amount of data, but what about when you have a massive amount of data to handle? ...

7 Ways to Find Similar Text in Two Columns in Excel

In our daily life, we need to match various data in daily life at the Corporate office, Government office, Survey, Industries, etc. Excel Find ...

How to Sort by Last Name in Excel

Sorting is ordering data in an increasing or decreasing order based on a linear connection between the data pieces. We can sort different data types ...
