FILTER Function

8 Ways to VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Values Vertically in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 8 effective approaches on how to Use VLOOKUP to return multiple values vertically in Excel. Finally these techniques ...

Extract Data from Table Based on Multiple Criteria in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 11 effective approaches so that you can use Excel to extract data from table based on multiple criteria including ...

5 Ways to Create a Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel

If you are a teacher, you might want to list the top 10 students who scored highest at the end of an academic year. Or maybe you are an entrepreneur ...

8 Ways to Create a Unique List Based on Criteria in Excel

Maybe you have a list of repeating data that you want to sort. In Excel, you can actually make a unique list based on criteria. However, this is only ...

5 Quick Ways to Lookup Partial Text Match in Excel (5 Quick Methods)

In Excel, we can look up values by using different functions and logical comparisons. But most of the time these functions require an exact match and ...

4 Easy Ways to Generate List Based on Criteria in Excel

Organizing data using various techniques is quite common in Microsoft Excel. Records are arranged in a tabular form here. For achieving an organized ...

3 Ways to Create Dynamic List Based on Criteria in Excel

Sometimes we need to create a Dynamic List in Excel to perform various operations or just to show the values that match the conditions. In this ...

7 Easy Ways to Populate List Based on Cell Value in Excel

In some cases, we need to populate list based on cell value in Excel. Like, suppose you have a dataset of sales of the previous year. Suppose you ...

3 Quick Ways to Vlookup and Return Multiple Values Horizontally

Sometimes we need to use vlookup and return multiple values horizontally in Excel. In this article, we are going to show you how to use vlookup and ...

7 Ways to Filter Data Based on Cell Value in Excel

Data filtration based on cell value is the ultimate goal to filter from congestion. Worldwide a lot of people use Excel to filter data. One thing ...
