INDEX Function

Extract Data from Table Based on Multiple Criteria in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 11 effective approaches so that you can use Excel to extract data from table based on multiple criteria including ...

5 Ways to Insert Dynamic Sheet Name in Excel Formula

Sometimes we need to use data from different sheets. In this case for a small dataset, we do a hectic job like copying and pasting the data to a new ...

4 Quick Ways to Merge Rows with Same Value in Excel

Sometimes we need to merge rows with the same value in Excel. In this article, we are going to show you how to merge duplicate rows in Excel with 4 ...

3 Ways to Combine Duplicate Rows and Sum Values in Excel

Sometimes we need to combine duplicate rows and sum the values in Excel. In this article, we are going to show you how to combine duplicate rows and ...

Excel Formula: Use VLOOKUP Function with Multiple Sheets

The VLOOKUP function is basically used to search values vertically, and it’s a very easy and useful tool in Excel. This article will discuss how to ...

5 Ways to Create a Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel

If you are a teacher, you might want to list the top 10 students who scored highest at the end of an academic year. Or maybe you are an entrepreneur ...

4 Ways to Pull Values in Excel from Another Worksheet

You can copy and paste values from one worksheet to another manually, but this process is very time-consuming when you are dealing with a huge amount ...

3 Ways to Create List from Range in Excel

Sometimes we need to create a list from the range in Excel. In this article, we are going to show you how to create list from range in Excel with 3 ...

8 Ways to Create a Unique List Based on Criteria in Excel

Maybe you have a list of repeating data that you want to sort. In Excel, you can actually make a unique list based on criteria. However, this is only ...

13 Ways to Search for Text in Range in Excel

In the corporate world, we need to deal with a lot of data every day. We also work with data for the betterment. But the fact is we don’t need the ...
