11 Examples to Do SUMIF in Date Range of Month and Year

Are you struggling to find out sales data for a particular time? Different criteria under a certain period hit you hard? Then yes, you are on the ...

7 Ways to Count Duplicates in Two Columns in Excel

Organizing data using various techniques is quite common in Microsoft Excel. Records are arranged in a tabular form here. In cases of data tracking, ...

4 Ways to Compare Three Columns in Excel and Return a Value

In a dataset, you may need to extract data from a data table by comparing three columns. Excel has a ton of fantastic comparison-supporting features, ...

3 Ways to Count Blank Cells with Condition in Excel

Sometimes blank cells in a dataset are undesirable. However, we can use blank cells as conditions to perform various operations in Excel. In this ...

Count One Column If Another Column Meets Criteria in Excel

In Excel, you can count data in one column depending on criteria in another column or columns. For example, you need to know how many things were ...

SUMPRODUCT for Multiple Criteria in Same Column in Excel

In this lesson, I'll demonstrate 5 effective approaches on how to use the SUMPRODUCT function for multiple criteria in the same column including some ...

3 Ways to Count Duplicate Values in Excel Only Once

Often in a dataset, we want to estimate duplicate values once to actually determine the different entries and their number. In a large dataset, ...

2 Ways to Use VLOOKUP Function with Two Lookup Values

In a long dataset, we often need to look up values with multiple criteria. In this article, we will utilize VLOOKUP Function with two lookup values ...

4 Ways to Find Second Largest Value with Criteria in Excel

In Excel, we can find the largest value or the lowest value easily. However, sometimes we need to find the second-largest value. So, in this article, ...

3 Quick Approaches to Sum Top N Values in Excel

Sometimes we need to calculate the sum top N values in Excel. In this article, we are going to show you how to calculate the sum of top N values in ...
