SUM Function

4 Tricks to Calculate Percentage Above Average in Excel

Sometimes we need to calculate the percentage above average in Excel. Calculating the percentage above the average means computing the average and ...

4 Simple Ways to Calculate Forecast Accuracy Percentage in Excel

If you are a businessman and you want to predict how much product you need to produce for the next season, you have to know the process of ...

7 Ways to Calculate Average Attendance with Formula in Excel

Almost every educational institution or Office needs to keep a record of the attendance of their students or employees. In school, it is necessary ...

4 Approaches to Calculate Home Loan Interest in Excel

A home loan is the amount of money as a personal loan from a financial institution, such as a housing finance company, to build a home, modify an ...

6 Quick Ways to Calculate Average Percentage of Marks in Excel

Once I got the opportunity to check out my teacher Mr. Machiuer, calculated the average percentage of the Term Final Exam’s results one by one ...

3 Approaches to Calculate Average of Text in Excel

Normally the functions we use to calculate the average of something always take input of numeric values and calculate the average of numeric values. ...

7 Easy Ways to Count Number of Cells with Dates in Excel

If you are looking to count number of specific cells containing dates in Microsoft Excel, then you've come to the right place. There are several ways ...

5 Ways to Calculate 7-Day Moving Average in Excel

From Operational Management to Demand Planning, Stock market to Small businesses everywhere one thing in common, is the Moving Average Calculation. ...

Calculate Displaced Moving Average with Formula in Excel

We will cover the specifics of the Displaced Moving Average (DMA) in the Excel formula for this topic. DMA is a variant of the Simple Moving Average ...

3 Quick Steps to Calculate Credit Card Interest in Excel

In this article, I'll show you three excellent methods for how to calculate credit card interest in Excel. Furthermore, these strategies will allow ...
